How We Work


RAD-AID uses a straightforward method for analyzing, planning and implementing projects.  The first step is Radiology-Readiness, which is RAD-AID’s trademarked data collection and analysis tool so that we can optimize every radiology project for the specific needs, infrastructure constraint, and health care system attributes of a region, community or facility.

Once we conduct the Radiology-Readiness Assessment, we plan the project based on that data. Third, we implement the project based on the plan whether it means installing hardware, configuring workstations, organizing training, writing research, or designing a new technology. Fourth, education is a central part of everything we do, and we hold training sessions so that RAD-AID can train our in-country partners to use and maintain the implemented program. More importantly, we also receive training and education from our in-country partners so that we can learn from them about clinical and cultural factors that will influence the success of our collaborative program.

Lastly, we work with our in-country partners to analyze the results of the program, to find what worked and what did not work. In this way, we identify new challenges to face and find new resources to strengthening the program. Then, we return to step one and repeat our Radiology-Readiness assessment so that we can see how our project had positive impact and what gaps need to be addressed. This circular iteration of data, analysis, planning, self correction and new data collection keeps RAD-AID moving forward.

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